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Dolomite- Powder/Lumps

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  • Dolomite- Powder/Lumps

Dolomite is an anhydrous carbonate mineral. It is a double carbonate of calcium and magnesium (CaCO3.MgCO3). Hence generally the rock containing in the range of 40 % to 45 % of MgCO3 is usually called dolomite.

Combine Industries we serve and grades as under

  • Uses of Dolomite in Iron and steel industry are (i) as a flux (ii) for protection of refractory lining (envelope b/w molten metal/ refractory), and (iii) as a refractory raw material

  • Dolomite is used in cattle feed for providing nutrients, In fertilizers and soil stabilization to maintain pH.

  • In Soap and Detergent Industry as a Filler

  • In Paint Industry as a filler for its high whiteness, low oil absorption and VOC content .

  • In ceramic Industry- Dolomite is used as a secondary flux to glaze ceramic tiles & as a filler in floor tiles

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